Progress - A Mind Boggling Game About Manipulating Your Device

Progress is a game that attract my interest from the beginning. You might underestimate this game just because it has too simple appearance. However, once you watched the trailer I bet if you will be curious enough to know more about this game. I saw Progress for the first time on Pocket Gamer site and already put that game into my watchlist. Few weeks ago, when I browse on TA forum as usual, I just saw a thread about this game and said if it looking for some testers.

Guess what? Of course, I signed up without even thinking twice. Just as my guess, the game is brilliant even since my first play. I can tell you if Progress really amaze me and made me say :'Wow.. Cool.. How can.. Well done...' almost for each level inside. As you can see above, you may think if I'm too exaggerate about this game. In fact, I'm not lying Progress is a genius game I ever played this year. It might not has a sweet visual as Monument Valley did, but it brings a great experiment like what a good game should be.

The experience I had during my play time made me smile, laugh, also wondering at the same time. I really admiring the uniqueness and originality 'quest' of this game. For example: at first you might only tap, tap and hold, tilt, or flip your device only. However, the more you play it, the more you'll discover interesting things. Some 'quests' also tricky enough and sometimes require you to think out of the box your mind or actually you just need to imagine if you're the one who doing it. I love how the game present a clue for you to solve. Every clue can be solved by manipulating your device only and those are brilliant while I never expect if an iPad/ iPhone can be so much powerful for this kind of thing.

I won't spoil you too much about the game since Progress is an experimental game, but it'll be disappointing if you passed it out once its released because you have no hint about this game. So here, I'll add some gifs to give you bit clues what will you do inside this game. The 'Hot Potato' level will let you imitate how your hand works while holding a hot potato, it's kind of holding dropping over and over, but just be careful don't drop your device on the floor. Interesting right? Well, that's just a beginning of 100 experiences that waiting for you to be unfold.

From TA forum, it said if Progress will be released about 1-2 months from now. Unfortunately, I don't know the exact release date for this game, but if you like to try the game by yourself, you can go to their official site and sign up for early access. The 'beta' build just reveal probably half of the game and let's wait for the released :D. Ah, one more info I think I can clearly see if Progress will be one of my favorite iOS game this year ;).


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