Promising Upcoming iOS Games from IGF 2014 Part I

Indie Game Festival or IGF can be one of the most anticipating events for Indie Developer. As we all know the main goal of this event is to encourage innovation in game development and to recognize the best indie developers all over the world. There're 2 main categories here; main and student. If you want to submit your game, you should pay $95. However, if you won it, the prize is promising enough to help your indie company. Alright in short case, yesterday I took a look into IGF site and found some interesting upcoming iOS games on there.

Here is some games that intrigued my eyes:


A Vision Quest




Don't Shoot Yourself (Out Now)

App Store Link: Don't Shoot Yourself! ($.099)

Electronic Super Joy

Epic Eric


Forma 8

Read preview here

I'll post them 10 by 10.. haha.. Don't forget to check the next post.
Ps: All of the games above really picked my interest, especially Ephemerid and Atomic+. Both of them really suitable with my game style... Others looks great too, I wish I can play them all soon :D


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